The First “New Voice” Exhibition – Space Digestion

Officially launched in December 2017, the artistic program “New Voice” is committed to providing a public exhibition platform for contemporary artists and bringing more new works to artistic enthusiasts, discovering and presenting more expression styles of thinking.

Works deserving communication are not sure to have an artistic background. Nor is profession, age, or major a threshold. What we care more is the creative voice of the works itself. Based on such request, we are sending our sincere invitation to contemporary artists. Surprisingly, the subscriptions, forms, and topics all have beaten our expectation. The first“New Voice”exhibition selects the works of only 10 artists. And we will learn from the experience and enable more artists to show their novelty in future exhibitions.

The works of the exhibition, themed Space Digestion, involve people who are leading multiple lives and working in various spaces. Their identities and the environment keep changing. The fast pace of the society is partly characterized in the city space that is being squeezed. The physical distance among people in work and residential environment has been shortened ceaselessly. But the restraint to individuals with a free will has been increased. Based on such background, the artists are conducting digestion for both internal and external spaces, that is, resolving and restructuring influences of the environment from the public, historic, individual, and private senses so that the intrinsic ideology will be changed to create a different “real space”.




本次展览主题定义为《空间消化》, 对于处在当下多重生活和工作空间中的人们来说,身份和环境的改变几乎分秒不断的在进行着。城市群体空间的不断压缩是社会快速进阶的特征之一,在工作和居住环境中人与人的物理距离无限缩短,而留给具有自由意志的个体精神上的束缚感却随之增强……基于这样的生存背景,艺术家们进行着对自我空间和外部空间的消化,即利用自发性的意识,从公共、历史、个体和隐私等不同层面分解和重构着环境带来的影响,从而改变当下固有的意识形态,创造不同的“真实空间”。

艺术家: 丁永升|车逸云|孙鹏|孙澜赫|刘香林|张之慧|吴佳丰|苑旭彤|莫佳青|蔡陈林

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